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Timothy Vande Brake, Ph.D.

Professor of English; Academic Director, Language and Literature



B.A., Calvin College, 1990

M.A., (English), Univ. of Tennessee, 1994

Ph.D., (English), Univ. of Alabama, 2000.


At RWC since 2001

Specialty areas:

Early Modern, 19th- and 20th-Century American, 20th-Century African

Current research interests:
Wole Soyinka and Flannery O'Connor

Sample Publications/Presentations:

  • "Thinking like a Tree: The Land Ethic in O'Connor's 'A View of the Woods.'" Flannery O'Connor Review, vol. 9 (2011).
  • "Call and Response: Fundamentalist Prayer in Two Stories by Flannery O'Connor," American Literature Association Symposium on American Fiction: 1890 to the Present, Savannah, Georgia, October 2010.
  • "Ecological Conscience in Two Early Plays by Wole Soyinka," Cultural Enrichment Series, Roberts Wesleyan College, April 2005

Courses Taught

LIT 101 Introduction to Literature

LIT 205 American Literature II

LIT 207 World Literature I and II

LIT 208 World Literature II

LIT 307 Literary Theory and Criticism

LIT 312 Major Author: Wole Soyinka; Emily Dickinson

LIT 405 Special Topics: African Novel and Memoir; Jacksonian Legacies; American Nature Writing

CMP 341 Composing Process