首页 - Degree-Completion - 项目 - 《美高梅mgm平台》,B.S.



抓住时机. 全力以赴,成为一名教师.

You’re already doing the work of a teacher– now you just need the degree. This unique bachelor’s degree completion program will help you follow your calling to teach without putting the rest of your life on hold.

建立你的教学信心. Learn from experienced practitioners modeling best practices. Gain hands-on learning through fieldwork and student teaching.

This program builds off past college experience but does not require a degree to begin. 课程 are one night a week, one course at a time. 你准备好全力以赴了吗?


Do you need questions about the program and the admissions process answered? 通过电子邮件联系 age-admissions@罗伯茨.edu 或者预约美高梅mgm平台的成人 & 研究生招生代表.


  • 2024年8月14日
  • 2024年8月15日
  • 2025年3月18日


获取更多信息 by clicking below to request details on our program admissions, 课程, 学费, 和更多的.




标准完成时间- 21个月

Program Credits: Childhood - 48, Adolescence - 60


To be considered for enrollment in the Pathway to Teaching program, prospective students must have accumulated 60 hours of college credit and earned at least a C in their classes.

You will earn a Bachelor of Science in Education leading to one of the following 最初的认证:

  • Childhood Education and Students with Disabilities 1-6 (dual certification)
  • Adolescence Education in a particular content area and Students with Disabilities (7-12)
  • 残疾学生7-12通才


The Pathway to Teaching program provides students with a comprehensive education on teaching in various settings.

The School of Education structures the 课程 into several modules that prospective teachers must complete consecutively to earn their degree.


All courses are constructed by experts in the education field, ensuring that our graduates leave the program able to excel in all areas of study. Each module is concentrated on a particular topic; these topics range from human development, 特殊教育, 资优教育, ENL学生, 在公立学校教书, teaching young students or children in early childhood, 等.


美高梅mgm平台 is an educational institution dedicated to fostering the minds of our students and their characters as well. Our well-rounded teacher pathways developed by the School of Education target spiritual, 精神, and emotional growth so that all future educators can handle any situation that arises in their schools with distinction.


Modular design that is delivered one course at a time


Interview prep with local principals and superintendents


老师 Immersion Fellowship Program (paid work in schools while enrolled)



  • 老师


  • 罗彻斯特市学区
  • 特许学校
  • 公立学校
  • 私立学校


Becoming a teacher is an admirable goal, but it's not one to be taken lightly. 在课堂教学之前, you have to earn two things: a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or teaching program and your teacher certification.


搜索ing "teaching programs near me" will generally reveal many opportunities for in-person and online teaching degrees.

There tends to be different requirements and 课程 depending on the state. 仍然, there are usually teacher education schools or courses where you can earn both a degree and be recommended for certification at the same time.


New York State requires practicing teachers earn a graduate degree to earn professional certification.

美高梅mgm平台 offers several outstanding graduate programs for any interested students.


在申请教师证书之前, you must obtain a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or teaching program. Earning a bachelor’s degree is typically a three-to-four-year program. Then you will most likely have to complete a student teaching experience followed by taking your state examinations to prove you’re qualified, 再加上几年. 在这些步骤之后, 你可以申请教师证书了, 各州的要求会有所不同, 但这是一般的过程.

成为一名教师, you need to prove that you’re qualified by acquiring a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or teaching program and then becoming certified in your state. Qualifications may vary slightly depending on your state.


青少年与特殊教育.Ed. - Prepare for New York State teaching certification and earn a Masters in Adolescence Education, as well as a Masters in Adolescence Special Education (Grades 7-12) in an affordable and flexible dual certification program developed for time constrained adults.
《美高梅mgm平台》.Ed. - Prepare for New York State teaching certification and earn a Masters in Childhood Education, as well as a Masters in Childhood Special Education (Grades 1-6) in an affordable and flexible dual certification program developed for time constrained adults.
扫盲教育硕士.Ed. - Build on your existing certification as you take advantage of the growing demand for literacy specialists, 进行扫盲教育, M.Ed. 来自美高梅mgm平台.
特殊教育硕士.Ed. -对特殊教育硕士有兴趣? Build on your existing certification to become a highly qualified teacher of students with disabilities, 具有特殊教育硕士学位.Ed. 来自美高梅mgm平台.
成人和研究生招生- 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792(免费)- AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu