R.N. B.S. 在护理



你已经有护理的心了. 现在你只需要你的注册护士到学士学位.

通过定制的学习途径, 提升你的职业生涯,在12-24个月内完成你的学士学位,同时工作.

提高你的技能、批判性思维和赚钱的潜力. 你准备好全力以赴了吗?


你需要关于项目和录取过程的问题吗? 通过电子邮件联系 age-admissions@罗伯茨.edu or 和美高梅mgm平台的大人预约一下 & 研究生招生代表.


  • 2024年6月24日
  • 申请的最后期限 & 存款
    • 在2024年3月20日之前提交完整的申请,押金为100美元.00
    • 在2024年5月6日之前提交完整的申请,押金是150美元.00
    • 在这些日期之后,押金是200美元.00
  • 2024年8月26日
  • 2024年10月21日


点击下面获取更多信息,了解美高梅mgm平台项目招生的详细信息, 课程, 学费, 和更多的.









Earn a bachelor’s degree from 美高梅mgm平台 to enhance your nursing skills, 凭证, 和教育. This RN BS college degree program is suited for students who are currently registered nurses who wish to broaden their professional skill set. Enroll in Roberts RN BS program, and expand your career options within the healthcare 行业. 另外, a BS can provide nurses with educational experience to take on enhanced responsibilities and pursue roles at a management level.







Gain 125 non-patient-care hours of clinical practice experience throughout the 课程.


The BS program at 美高梅mgm平台 is designed to accommodate your lifestyle with an accelerated program that can be completed in as little as 12 months.

护士需要在复杂多变的环境中工作. 本课程将提高您的临床和专业能力:

  • Promoting Safe Nursing Practices, Quality Safety Initiatives, and Quality Patient Outcomes

  • 使用循证实践计划和评估护理结果

  • Forming Strategies for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Across Patient Populations

  • 与跨学科团队沟通,领导新的医疗保健计划

您的课程将由有护理经验的教师教授, 熟练掌握护理实践领域, 并展示了自己的学识. 你将申请你获得的知识 对客户、家庭和团体来说都是如此. 研究生s from 美高梅mgm平台 with a bachelor's degree in nursing will be prepared to practice using advocacy, 自治, 问责制, 道德, 和尊重. Upon completion of the RN BS program, the graduate will be a nursing professional who:

  • 整合和应用护理知识, 并将其他学科的知识作为安全优质护理实践的基础

  • 提供发展适当的全人, 尊重的循证护理, 富有同情心并承认偏好, 值, 多样化的需求, and resources of the recipients of team-based care that is informed by a Christian worldview recognizing the patient is a full partner in and the source of control in team-based care.

  • Collaborates as a member of the interprofessional team to support and improve 公平的, 在当地取得积极的人口健康成果, 区域, 和全球.

  • Applies re搜索 and evidence with the goal to improve recipient of care outcomes and transform health care in practice setting

  • Employs established and emerging safety principles and improvement science to provide safe, 有效的, 公平的, 全人关怀并为供应商的工作场所安全文化做出贡献.

  • 跨专业协作工作,并与护理团队成员, 病人, 家庭, 社区提供高质量的医疗服务.

  • Effectively works in teams within complex systems considering health care trends and resources across the continuum of care to advocate for recipients of care.

  • 运用信息和沟通, and informatics processes to deliver health care services in accordance with best practices, 专业和监管标准.

  • Practices with 问责制 和完整性 reflecting professional nursing characteristics and 值 within the context of a Christian worldview.

  • 参与促进整体健康的活动和自我反省, 弹性, 和幸福, 终身学习,获得护理专业知识和领导技能.


随着人口老龄化, 护理专业人员退休, there is a growing demand for qualified individuals to step up to deliver quality care. Many of these professional nursing positions can be found outside of hospitals and in the community through long-term care facilities, 门诊中心, 还有病人的家.

根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, job prospects for registered nurses are expected to grow 7% through 2029 - much faster than the average. 2019年,注册护士的平均年薪为7.33万美元.

Along with this growth comes a combined demand for nurses with bachelor’s-level degrees. 以下是一些本科毕业生的热门职业:


  • 注册护士
  • 护士个案经理
  • 门诊护理经理
  • 品质改善总监 & 表演
  • 临床注册护士
  • 家庭护理/公共卫生


  • 罗切斯特大学医学中心
  • 罗切斯特总医院,纽约州罗切斯特
  • 纽约州罗彻斯特联合医院
  • 纽约州锡拉丘兹北部大学医院
  • 伊利县医疗中心,纽约州布法罗
  • 天主教健康系统,纽约州布法罗

抓住机会扩大你在护理领域的经验. Your RN BS courses will foster your personal and professional development by building self-confidence, 道德价值, 和完整性. 通过专业知识的培养, 你可以有效地与病人和家属沟通.


美国劳工统计局.S. 劳工部,职业展望手册,注册护士, 在http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /哦/医疗/注册护士.htm(2021年2月2日浏览).



R.N. B.S. 完成项目

Ja 'Mia休伊特







是的. The baccalaureate degree program in nursing and the master’s degree program in nursing at Roberts are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

拥有认可的大学或社区学院的副学士学位, 你可以在短短12个月内完成注册护士到学士学位的课程.

No. 虽然注册护士可能有学士学位,但资格是不一样的. RN代表注册护士, which is a title given to nursing professionals who have completed educational and licensure requirements in nursing. All New York State RNs must have earned a diploma or a degree in nursing from an approved nursing program and pass a 状态 board exam known as the NCLEX-RN, 然而,这些要求可能因州而异.

实习护士的工资取决于几个因素, 包括多年的全职工作经验, 教育程度, 行业, 和位置.

2019年5月,注册护士的年薪中位数为73元,根据美国的一项研究.S. 劳工统计局. 同年, 政府护士(79美元,790)和状态, 当地和私立医院(75美元),2003年)是收入最高的. 另外, 流动医疗服务收入70美元,330, 护理和住宿护理机构的收入为66美元,250, 以及当地的教育服务, 状态, 私营部门的收入为63美元,690.

Those with an RN who are considering the value in getting their BS should understand its current value and importance. 以下是你可能考虑注册护士转BSN计划的几个原因:

  • 磁铁的医院. As more hospitals seek magnet destinations to attract and signify to 病人 that their facility provides quality healthcare, 许多注册护士被要求回到学校获得学士学位. Earning your BS may make you more marketable to desired facilities that seek interest in those with quality training 和教育 from a BS.
  • AACN背书. The national voice for academic nursing education is the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). A 状态ment was published in 1996 that endorsed the baccalaureate degree as the minimal preparation for professional practice.
  • 额外的护理职业机会. 拥有学士学位可能会带来新的职业机会. 管理角色, 专业职位, 和其他护理职位通常要求申请者持有学士学位. 认识到更多受过教育的护理人员的价值, 许多机构现在要求他们的护士持有护理学学士学位.
  • 研究生教育机会. 积极思考并设想你在护理方面的未来. Earning your BS degree will place you one step closer to pursuing an advanced role such as a nurse educator, 护士, 护士麻醉师, 护士助产士, 护士res 医生,或临床护理专家.


卫生管理硕士.S. - The Master's in Health Administration is an innovative and contemporary blend of health administration and business coursework designed to provide students with sought-after skills for medical and health services management. Working professionals can complete this degree in just 18 months, 1 night a week or 100% online!
护理教育硕士.S. - The Master's 在护理 Education is based on nursing science with a focus on advancing clinical and evidence-based teaching skills needed to work in college, 大学, 以及临床环境. 在职注册护士可以在20个月内完成这个学位,每周一个晚上或100%在线!
护理的领导 & 管理、米.S. -护理领导硕士 & Administration is based on nursing science with a significant focus on the business aspects of health care, 循证实践, and the latest technological advances to develop your leadership expertise and knowledge. 在职注册护士可以在20个月内完成这个学位,每周一个晚上或100%在线!
RN到M.S. 在护理 -如果你有非护理专业的学士学位, 护理学副学士学位, 以R的身份工作.N. (每周最少20小时), 那么这个完全在线的注册护士到护理硕士课程就是为你设计的!
成人和研究生招生- 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792(免费)- AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu