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硕士(M.S.) in School 小组chology


You are needed as a school psychologist more than ever.

The Master of Science in School 小组chology program prepares students to evaluate, 诊断, and treat children and adolescents, in 咨询 with parents and teachers. Our program has expertise in data-based decision making, mental health and clinical issues.


Do you need questions about the program and the admissions process answered? Reach out via email at age-admissions@罗伯茨.edu or schedule an appointment with our Adult & 研究生 Enrollment Representative.


  • 2024年8月26日


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通过获得学校心理学硕士学位,发展你作为学校心理学家的职业身份. 完成美高梅mgm平台(Roberts Wesleyan University)的学校心理学硕士学位将指导你如何将基于心理学证据的研究整合到现实世界的应用中. 教育和接触最新的实践努力将使你有效地发展成为一个受欢迎的学校心理学家,并启动你的职业生涯和专业身份. 您将获得与非常成功的学校心理学家一起练习的机会,他们将帮助指导您的练习努力,以取得成功. 您将与具有个人实践专业知识的教师一起工作,并密切发展, collegial relationships with them along the way. 获得美高梅mgm平台的学校心理学硕士学位,将你的心理学教育提升到一个新的水平.

美高梅mgm平台的心理学硕士课程指导每个学生通过深入的解释著名的学科. Those who earn their master’s in psychology will be able to:

  • 应用 Principles that are Ethically Sound and Represent Current Practice in the Field

  • 运用本学科专业人员制定的标准解释心理学概念

  • 分析学校心理学的理论、方法、历史趋势和主要概念

  • Determine the Scientific Merit of Professional Literature in School 小组chology

  • 作为学校心理学家完成课程后独立实践所必需的实践和掌握技能


Three Year Program Includes a One-Year Paid Internship in a School Setting


A Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) Awarded at the Time of Program Completion

Cross-Disciplinary Collaborative Experience with Clinical 小组chology/ School 小组chology

Experience 教师 with Strong Professional Networks

100% Passing Rate on the Praxis II Exam in School 小组chology

Why Choose School 小组chology M.S. 在罗伯茨?

美高梅mgm平台的学术课程是根据10个NASP教育标准的课程结构和纽约州制定的指导方针建立和批准的,这些指导方针涉及学校心理学领域的当前研究和实证实践. Throughout program history, P-12学校的教育环境发生了根本性的变化,帮助塑造了学校心理学领域,并发展了许多新的项目倡议,使美高梅mgm平台的毕业生能够在他们选择的职业中做出有影响力的贡献.

经认可的美高梅mgm平台学校心理学硕士课程培养学生在复杂的学校系统中作为合作者做出重要贡献, 咨询顾问, 诊断和治疗残疾儿童和心理健康问题领域的专家. 进一步, 他们学习如何成为理解儿童发展和影响认知能力和学习的问题的关键贡献者, keen observers of the work that is done in educational systems, and how to perform within a highly ethical and professional manner. 学生将加深对全球认知心理学课程领域的理解, 学习, 咨询, 评估, 咨询, 发展, 应用研究, and ethical practice. 学生将能够在学术课堂上学习到的信息和在监督下的实地实践经验,并能够:

  • 在学校心理学领域展示他们对职业道德的理解

  • Develop Professional Qualities of Empathy, 职业道德, and Relationship Building When Working with Diverse Groups with Multiple Perspectives

  • Evaluate Re搜索 Which Can be Applied to Generate Findings and Ideas

  • Advance the Practice of 小组chology Within the Schools to Promote the Well-Being of Children, 家庭, and Educational Communities

  • Provide Direct Services of Counseling, Assessment and Intervention with Preschool Children, School Age Children and Adolescent Populations

通过美高梅mgm平台的学校心理学硕士课程,使你对心理学的理解多样化,并在学校心理学实践中培养一个特定领域的专业知识. Contact us today for additional 课程 information, application requirements, or to tour our campus in New York State.


美高梅mgm平台提供的学校心理学理学硕士课程将使学生处于一个很好的位置,以确保在整个纽约州和整个美国的学校心理学职位. 到2029年,学生们可以看到对心理学相关就业机会的需求将会增加, 根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

那些从美高梅mgm平台获得学校心理学硕士学位的毕业生将获得相应的纽约州学校心理学认证证书,并在纽约州全职工作两年之后获得该领域的永久认证. 另外, students who choose to work outside of NYS will be eligible for additional credentialing (i.e. 许可证)按照个别国家的要求规定,每个国家都是独一无二的. 学生也将有资格获得NCSP证书(国家认证的学校心理学家),因为他们将从NASP认证的项目中获得学位. 美高梅mgm平台的学校心理学硕士课程将为学生提供专业成长的机会,并帮助他们在实践中应用心理学原理.

美高梅mgm平台校园里有一群很棒的心理学系教员. Our professors and faculty members bring diverse experience, 知识, and certification directly to each individual student. Many faculty members have worked in a variety of professional capacities. These include private practice, P-12学校, Administration and leadership, 医院, 咨询中心, and Re搜索 I Universities.

有关其他课程信息和申请要求,请立即联系美高梅mgm平台. Tour our campus in New York State for additional facility information.

>Sources cited: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 小组chologists, at http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-social-science/psychologists.htm (visited January 20, 2021).

校友 Making A Difference


School 小组chologist, Greece Central School District


School 小组chologist, Kyrene School District (Phoenix, AZ)

Amber Hildebrand ’10

School 小组chologist, Brockport Central School District



School 小组chologist, Carteret County

 艾米丽McGarry Photo

艾米丽McGarry ’20

Newark Central School District, Kelley School

杰奎琳Pedulla Photo

杰奎琳Pedulla ’20

Gananda Central School District, School 小组chologist


妮可年轻 ’20

Phelps Clifton Springs School District, CSE chair teacher on special assignment 

Kayleigh Rothdiener (Bacchetta) Photo

Kayleigh Rothdiener (Bacchetta) ’20

Klem Road South Elementary School, Webster Central School District

吉莉安•拉罗斯 Photo

吉莉安•拉罗斯 ’21

Royalton-Hartland Central School, School 小组chologist


克雷格Pahl ’22

Penn Yan Elementary, School 小组chologist


基思•墨菲 ’22

Windham Middle School, CT, School 小组chologist


雷切尔比 ’22

Canandaigua Middle School, School 小组chologist

Frequently Asked Questions


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小组.D. Clinical/School 小组chology - Earn your Doctorate in 小组chology 在罗伯茨. 美高梅mgm平台准备你成为一个有效的心理学家谁可以提供证据为基础的心理服务,在各种设置.
Adult and 研究生 招生 - 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792(免费)- AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu